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Holy blessing Wedding unity candles



May the meaning of this hour be fulfilled

through the days and years to come.

May the love of this man and this woman,

their unity of spirit, grow deeper and stronger

in the uncertainties and changes of life they will share.


Loving each other, may they love all persons.

Trusting each other, may they learn to trust life.

May their love reach out to the love of all,

that their lives may bless all whose lives they touch.


May they find comfort together in shared hours of shadow,

as well as in the bright sunshine of joy.

May they be to each other both strong and gentle.


May all who follow their lives with interest and affection

have cause to rejoice not alone in their happiness,

but in their brave and generous living

which makes life beautiful and significant.


Personalized with names, date and venue if applicable

We us professional Bolsius candles only - 250mm tall

2 x Taper candles

Holy Blessing Wedding Unity Set

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